Family Applet 1

How it works: Simulate families of three children. The probability of having a boy on any attempt can be changed in the parameter statement. The percantage of times "x" number of girls occurs is updated in the bar chart above.


< PARAM name=p value="0.5" > - The probability of having a boy in any given birth.
< PARAM name=letterwait value="30" > - (optional) time in milliseconds between displaying letters when the user takes action. The deafult is 30.
< PARAM name=singlewait value="200" > - (optional) time between when the pausestring is displayed and results are updated. The deafult is 200.
< PARAM name=pausestring value="Generating!" > - (optional) string to be spelled out when an action is taken by the user. The default is "Generating!".

Family Applet 2

How it works: Same as above, but the families stop having children after the first boy or after they have had 3 girls.


<PARAM name=p value="0.5" > - The probability of having a boy in any given birth.
<PARAM name=letterwait value="30" > - (optional) time in milliseconds between displaying letters when the user takes action. The deafult is 30.
<PARAM name=singlewait value="200" > - (optional) time between when the pausestring is displayed and results are updated. The deafult is 200.
<PARAM name=pausestring value="Generating!" > - (optional) string to be spelled out when an action is taken by the user. The default is "Generating!".