3 Histogram Applets


<PARAM name=data value=""> - data to be used in the histogram
<PARAM name=stpt value="2.5"> - starting point for the classes
<PARAM name=binwidth value="1.0"> - class width for the classes
<PARAM name=title value="Sleep Data"> - title for the histogram
<PARAM name=xlabel value="hour"> - label for the X axis
<PARAM name=type value="probability"> - type of histogram, the options are: probability, relative frequency and frequency.
<PARAM name=overlay value="true" > - If this value is "true", a normal density will be overlaid on the histogram.
<PARAM name=interactive value="true" > - If this value is "true", the histogram will allow users to interactively change the starting point and class width via text fields.
<PARAM name=slider value="true"> - If this value is "true", a slider will be added in place of the text area for changing class width. This parameter can only be used when the interactive parameter is "true". The binwidth parameter may also be ignored in this case as the applet tries decide on a reasonable range of values for the slider.

Histogram Applet 1

How it works: Interactively change the binwidth using the slider and see the effect on the histogram. One can also enter a different starting point for the histogram as well. The normal overlay can be turned off using the parameter statement.

Histogram Applet 2

How it works: Change the binwidth and the starting point and see the effect on the histogram.

Histogram Applet 3

How it works: Simply plots the histogram for data using the binwidth and starting point from the parameter statement.

by R. Webster West, Dept. of Statistics, Univ. of South Carolina